Meydan Free Zone

Accelerate Growth with a Dubai-based Holding Company

If you own a business with various assets or subsidiary companies or simply want to limit your liability, structuring yourself through a holding company is a tax-efficient way to thrive. Meydan Free Zone helps holding companies achieve strategic growth through a host of benefits.

Start Your Own Holding Company

How Can a Holding Company Help You?

A holding company isn’t involved in the day-to-day of a business. Instead, it focuses solely on gaining control over its subsidiaries and making decisions on mergers, acquisitions, and the sale of assets. In Dubai, holding companies enjoy a host of benefits including, but not limited to:


Corporate tax is maintained at a concessionary rate of 9% if annual profits exceed $100,000, which is far lower than in most other countries. What’s more, the UAE does not impose income tax and your employees can be paid tax-free.  

Access to
Residency Visa

Owning real estate through a holding company is a surefire way to gain access to a residency visa in Dubai. Typically, this visa is valid for up to 10 years and can be renewed easily. This also allows you to gain access to straightforward corporate banking systems. 

Mitigate Risks and

The USP of a holding company is that it allows you to mitigate risks by not being liable for the debts of its subsidiaries. So if one subsidiary declares bankruptcy, the others can continue to function as normal. Owners are also protected as assets are owned by the company and not by individuals.

All business licenses are inclusive of a shared desk facility, located at
Meydan Hotel, Meydan Grandstand, 6th Floor,
All prices are inclusive of 5% VAT and government charges.

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